Ayurveda follow theories likes tridoshasiddhant , trimalasiddhant,agnisiddhant,shad rasa siddhant, swasthavritta, vishabhogan and aaharavidhividhana etc.describing few of the theories of ayurveda related to aahar or diet.


According to ayurveda there exist three vital forces or humors in our body which controls all our activities i.e vatta, pitta, kapha.

  • Vatta : Responsible for all possible movements in our body. The principle of movement related to the elements of air and space.
  • Pitta: Responsible for all possible conversions. The principle of fire and interaction, related to the elements of water,fire,air.
  • Kaph : Responsible for possible generations – the principal of solidity, related to the elements of earth and water.

The panchmahabhootas (5 vital elements) has a great role in formulating of tri doshasi. i.e. vata is predominantly made up of vayumahabhoot, pitta from agni mahabhoot & kapha from prithvimahabhoot & jalamahabhoot.