Kids Yoga

Sattva is a children centric yoga vidya kendra, providing yoga vidya to children. Teaching yoga to children is a challenge. In fact today it is totally neglected.

People start doing yoga and pranayama mostly after the damage is done. Our mission is to catch them young and teach them the importance of Patanjali Yoga which will help them throughout their life.

At a tender age, children will be able to grasp this knowledge easily. Yogic values if acquired at a young age, become a part of their life and would help them reap its benefits throughout their lives and make them and their families happier.

Children are taught Yoga through animation, joyful games and interesting stories. Children are taught the concept of Bhakti Yoga and karma Yoga. Basic Yogic Values like truthfulness, honesty, loving Kindness, generosity are inculcated. These values teach the kids how to lead a good, happy life.

Benefits from sattva training:-

  • Improve memory and concentration.
  • Improve mind and body co-ordination.
  • Improve their breathing capacity and thus lung capacity
  • Improve the functioning of digestive and all other systems.
  • Improve the condition of asthmatic patients.
  • Help to increase their height and in toning up of body during their growing age.
  • Improve the ability to cope up with stress.
  • Enhance their grasping power.>